The training program “Basic Finance and Pitching” in Round 5 – Shine was successfully held with the participation of TOP 10 High School Board & TOP 10 Student Board.

Through the training program, the contestants together discovered more knowledge about corporate finance, especially business valuation methods, start-up capital, etc. Not only that, 3 talented speakers Talent shared a lot of useful information as well as suggestions from her own experience, helping the candidates have a different perspective and complete their projects.

The organizers would like to express their sincere thanks to the 3 speakers who participated in the training program “Basic Finance and Pitching” yesterday with CiC and the contestants of CiC 2021.

CiC would also like to thank all the contestants who participated in the program. CiC hopes that the contestants have gained more useful knowledge to become a solid luggage to enter the Finals of the CiC Startup Idea Contest 2021 as well as on the journey ahead of you.

Pictures of the training program “Basic finance and pitching”:

Training program “Basic finance and pitching”

TOP 10 General Board & TOP 10 Student Board

The speaker shared a lot of useful information

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