As part of the series of activities in Round 4 – Breakthrough of the CiC Startup Idea Contest 2021, the iStartX Bootcamp training course was successfully held in the online form from August 18 to August 20, 2021.

Although it took place online and was affected by the epidemic, it did not seem to reduce the enthusiasm of the contestants as well as the enthusiasm and dedication of the 2 Speakers to help the training course take place. success.

The organizers would like to express their sincere and deep thanks to the two speakers who have accompanied CiC since the first years, sharing many interesting perspectives, lessons and experiences with the CiC2021 candidates:

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Dung:
– Assoc.Prof.Dr major in Mechanical Engineering – Dynamic;
– Innovation consultant;

Mr. Truong Thanh Hung:
– PCT National Startup Advisory Council;
– Director of FiNNO Group;

Mr. Truong Thanh Hung: PCT National Startup Advisory Council; Director of FiNNO Group.

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Dung: Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering – Dynamic; Innovation Consultant.

Let’s start the iStartX Bootcamp Round 4 course – Breakthrough

Top 25 Student Board & TOP 30 General Board participating in the training course

Besides, the training course is also a combination of imparting experience and practical knowledge of Mentors to each project. Day by day, the project teams gradually mature in entrepreneurial thinking, business idea models and actual product development.

Finally, CiC wishes you all to successfully complete the business model and ignite your passion in the presentation at the Pitching Round 4 – Breakthrough to be closer to being the Champion of the Idea Contest. start up CIC 2021.

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