The final round of the CiC 2022 Entrepreneurship Idea competition was successfully held on October 22, 2022 at the Software Technology Park, HCMC University of Science. This was a significant event for the student community, opening up opportunities for young talents to start up and develop new ideas.

At the student board, the winners of the top prizes of CiC 2022 were announced. In the list of outstanding ideas, CiC300 – Cơm nhà nha won first place in the student category with its humanitarian idea of addressing family meal issues. CiC247 – Tilt Alarm for Watercraft won second place, helping to improve waterway transportation safety.

The third prize was shared by two ideas: CiC177 – Organic Dragon Fruit Functional Foods – Thanh An and CiC271 – ISINHVIEN. Both of these ideas have high practical applications and great potential for future development.
The encouragement prize was awarded to three ideas: CiC202 – 3B-Bicycle Between Bus, CiC199 – Pestifly, and CiC273 – TTLab.ESLoRa. These ideas have contributed to solving practical problems and bringing value to the community.
The Seedling Potential Award belonged to creative and high-potential ideas such as CiC240 – Family Bonding, CiC057 – Medus – A Remote Medical Learning and Health Monitoring Platform, CiC080 – Air Quality Monitoring Station Model using NB-IoT technology, and CiC187 – Planté. These are all noteworthy and promising ideas for the future.
In addition, the Community Award was given to CiC300 – Cơm nhà nha, demonstrating its positive contribution to the community.
At the high school student board, CiC295 – iEco has surpassed its competitors to win first prize. This is a breakthrough idea in environmental education, combining technology and creative thinking of the students.

Meanwhile, CiC036 – 4KS – For Kids’ Sake has also demonstrated its potential with second prize. 4KS brings a smart and convenient solution for parents in managing their children’s time and knowledge.
Third prize of the student board was awarded to two teams, CiC218 – and CiC236 – NenNep management software. These two ideas are highly applicable and can solve many practical problems in life.
The teams CiC292 – Bambloo, CiC290 – BEFRIENDS and CiC251 – TONA Education also received encouragement awards for their important contributions in solving social issues.

Finally, the potential Seed award of the student board was presented to the teams CiC163 – New material from agricultural waste, CiC179 – Production and distribution of paper from rambutan peels, and CiC265 – Development and improvement of the value of Ngũ Gia Bì honey products, Bac Thuy commune, Chi Lang district, Lang Son province. These teams bring creative solutions, high applicability and potential for future development.
Especially, in the student board, the Community award was presented to the team CiC245 – ANTERM.
The CiC 2022 Startup Idea Competition has officially come to a close with a successful gala night award ceremony. The owners of the highest accolades were honored in a jubilant and excited atmosphere. They are young talents with creative, courageous and full of potential ideas to become talented entrepreneurs in the future.

More than 300 creative solution ideas/startup projects and 700 participants registered from 215 universities, colleges, and high schools nationwide made up a memorable CiC 2022 season. Congratulations and thanks to all the participants who have contributed to the success of the Competition.

The CiC 2022 Startup Idea Competition still has an Investment Call round for the TOP25 student groups, promising to be an opportunity for startup ideas to be developed and implemented in the future.

With the success of CiC 2022, let’s together aim for a creative and entrepreneurial development future for Vietnam. See you at CiC 2023!

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